For a hypnotic séance we will need a quiet room and a place where we can make ourselves comfortable. This could be a recliner in a private practice, but also a comfortable home chair with backrests or simply our bed. The important thing is to feel comfortable and safe there. Once we have laid down, we can begin to listen to the voice guiding us into trance. This could be a specialist at the practice, someone familiar at our home or our voice, recorded and played from a cassette or in mp3 form, whatever you like. This part of the séance is called induction and is meant to help us enter trance. The spoken (or rather listened to) text - the so-called relaxation suggestion - can be more or less categorical (e.g. NOW YOU HAVE TO relax or NOW YOU ARE relaxing). The next command, or deepening suggestion, allows us to drift off even more. For example: "Your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that you can't open them... Now I'm going to count to three and with each number your eyelids will get heavier and heavier and you really can't open your eyes" etc.
Once the trance is reached, one moves into the next phase of hypnosis. In professional writings, this is post-induction suggestion. It has another, nicer and unfamiliar name: it is visualisation. This technique consists of imagining, or imagining in one's head, a certain important and perhaps stressful situation that awaits us. We imagine it several times, each time performing well in our minds what we intend to do in reality. This kind of 'dry' rehearsal of the situation will help to get used to it. The upcoming event will not cause as much anxiety as before, and it is possible that we will approach it with stoic calm.
Visualisation is a very useful tool to increase our self-confidence and this will make others see us as competent. If we know what we are talking about and we know we are good at it, why should they perceive us differently? Sometimes the obstacles are our inner inhibitions, fears, complexes. We can attempt to get rid of them, these inner demons, by countering them with images of the complete opposite in visualisation. There are two very short and wise sayings about the human being as a whole:
You are what you eat.
You are what you think of yourself.
Paraphrasing this second sentence, we could say: your thoughts (beliefs) shape you. Therefore, if we cultivate in our thoughts the qualities we would like to have, it will probably not be too long before we behave similarly in normal life. Someone may say: "err, humbug and all that". By closing oneself off to incoming ideas, one is denying oneself the chance to have new experiences.
Returning to the hypnosis session, the commands given in the trance state should be positive, short, simple and treated as a present matter:
I am relaxed (instead of: I don't want to be tense)
I am losing weight (instead of: I do not want to gain weight)
I am effective (instead of: I don't want to fail)
It turns out that our subconscious does not accept the word 'no'. Therefore, when forming commands, do not use the words 'I don't want to', 'I can't', 'maybe', 'I will try'. The effects can be counterproductive.
The great advantage of visualisation is that it can be adapted to almost any matter occupying our mind. The technique can support our efforts to combat smoking, overweight stress and high blood pressure, pain of various origins, complexes. It can also be useful to some extent for chronic sleep problems, or in combating panic anxiety, otherwise known as phobias.
Visualisation can be an invaluable aid when it comes to rebuilding confidence in oneself. As it turns out, visualisation and hypnosis are starting to make a career in the medical sector. They can help you survive a drill procedure in the dentist's chair, and in maternity wards, they are slowly being recognised as a natural alternative to standard anaesthetics. It may seem, but what has one got to do with the other? Imagining places and mentally 'moving' there, to reduce the sensation of quite intense pain? It turns out quite a lot. Focusing our attention on an object, a point or an internal image helps to distract our brain from the pain we are feeling. Having already become skilled at visualisation before visiting the dentist, you may be tempted to trick your body, and try to sensory switch off the area to be treated.
Hypnosis is used on a similar basis for natural childbirth. - The (counter) young mother, when led into a hypnotic trance state, is transported with her thoughts to the chosen place. There she also "stays" mentally. In this way, she 'forces' her brain to follow the thought. The trance and the focus on something else to some extent lessens the pain of labour.
The method of visualisation is useful in the professional sphere, it allows us to recover instantly during our lunch break, it unleashes our creativity. This last argument is particularly convincing for artists of all disciplines. After all, every work of art lives first inside the one who invented it, right?
The hypnotic séance ends with a rousing formula, called the induction of the ending. It sounds roughly like this:
"You are happy, relaxed and content.You are enjoying your wellbeing. Now I'm going to start counting down from 1 to 10 and you will slowly start to come back to full consciousness. Come back feeling relaxed as if after a long rest. Start coming back now. One, two you go up three four five six seven eight and ten, open your eyes and walk all the way back feeling great. Very good."
Very similarly, self-hypnosis works, which, as the name suggests, can be used on its own to improve one's wellbeing or discover more talents within oneself. For the mind in a trance state, there are no limits. It is possible to find creative solutions to problems in this altered state of consciousness. It is important to set yourself a specific goal for which you are going into a trance. Try out the trance methods yourself and choose the one that suits you best. After all, everyone has different sensitivities. If there are issues of a more serious nature that we cannot deal with on our own, it is best to seek out an experienced therapist.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
The secret of hypnotic séances
How do you distinguish between mental problems and a curse, a charm?
As a psychic with a background in psychology, I would like to explain in this article how to tell the difference between a charm or curse and a psychic illness. I would like to point out from the outset that this is a very difficult task and that in most cases it takes a long time before it becomes apparent that someone is the victim of an extra-material force.
Mental problems can manifest themselves in a variety of behaviours.
The most common disorders include: -schizophrenia,
-bipolar affective disorder,
Initially, when someone presents with their problems to a psychiatrist, a diagnosis is made that corresponds to the symptoms. Of course, the possibility of a charm or curse being cast by a third party is not taken into account.
And what are their main symptoms? These are:
-a feeling of meaninglessness,
-lack of desire to work,
-empty feelings,
-mood swings.
As one can easily see, all the characteristics can be matched with mental disorders. This is why it is so difficult to distinguish between ordinary disorders and the actions of third parties. However, years of experience have taught me to distinguish these problems from charms. Well, the main difference is that in the case of curses and charms, the symptoms appear unexpectedly, without much reason. Of course, this is not the only criterion, but if someone comes and says that everything is going well in his life, and yet he has been feeling awful for some time, is constantly overtired and even has suicidal thoughts, the possibility of a higher power must be considered. Mental problems are always either the result of what is going on in our lives, or they are an illness, the symptoms of which must have already been apparent. Anxieties and malaise unrelated to either our health or what is going on in our lives are most likely the result of someone's magical influence.
Further features of curses and charms are that normal treatment and psychotherapy do not help. In the case of normal disorders, there is a high probability of recovery after the above-mentioned methods. Modern doctors are perfectly capable of helping with various mental disorders, but they do not believe in curses and do not include this possibility in their assessments of the patient's health. However, when they try more and more methods, which also prove to be ineffective, they can only make the person's condition worse. It is then necessary to take into account the option that a cast spell is to blame and replace the psychiatrist with a specialised psychic.
Here too, however, each case must be examined individually. Sometimes we are not dealing with a charm at all, and the patient is simply resistant to a particular type of medication or psychotherapy. However, one cannot close one's mind to either method.
Third-party influences should also be considered when a person with a disorder has had a number of misfortunes in quick succession. When it seems that coincidence in so many cases is simply impossible, it could mean that someone has caused it on purpose.
Often, however, we just have worse days and they do not have to mean a curse straight away. Some people don't cope well with stressful situations and tend to become depressed; this doesn't have to mean an attack on our person either. We should also not become paranoid and see in everyone a potential witch or someone who wants to put a curse on us.
I dealt most frequently with charms among patients complaining of emotional problems. What these people had in common was that they felt emotionally empty in relation to people of the opposite sex, they were unable to have feelings for anyone, and at the same time they would very much like to have a relationship with someone. After careful analysis, it often comes out that they are under the influence of love magic. If you too are experiencing such problems, it is worth considering whether you have also fallen victim to a charm.
Love charms can be removed, of course, if you are a competent person. It is better not to try the spell yourself, because you could make the situation worse. Once the charm is removed, our situation will return to normal. So let's not panic, but analyse our lives as meticulously as possible, think about who might have a grudge against us or be angry with us. Discovering this is the most important step both in stopping the spell that is hindering our lives and in improving our relationship with the person who holds a grudge against us.
Thursday, May 18, 2023
The magic of candles - or how to change your fate in a very simple way
Until electricity was invented and became widely available, candles were the main source of light. Initially a luxury item, they adorned the rooms of the wealthy and celebrated important events. Associated with the element of fire, apart from light they carry an element of mystery, horror... Probably for this reason, candles became silent witnesses and participants in magical rituals. This is how a separate branch of magic was born, called, as you might guess, candle magic. This type of ritual combines the power of concentration and visualisation, the hypnotic effect of a creeping flame and the healing effect of colours.
As part of the ritual being performed, after lighting the candle, it is a good idea to imagine oneself (or the person for whom the ceremony is being performed) surrounded by light of a colour corresponding to that of the lit candle. Such an action is called invoking a colour. The same is done if, as part of a candle ritual, we wish to ask for support or invoke some protective deity from the pantheon of Slavic or Celtic gods, or from other cultures. It is then good custom to light a candle in the colour ascribed to that deity or goddess.
So how do the different candle colours have an effect and what rituals can they serve? Here is some information:
White candles - meditation ritual, cleansing ritual or ritual for dedication to a cause, support for clairvoyance practice, crystal ball divination. A white aura signifies a spiritually strong person who is approaching the completion of their incarnation cycle. White can relieve ailments associated with fractures, toothaches.
Brown candles - aid concentration and telepathic action, especially helpful when assisting with magic rituals to search for lost objects, has a protective effect (especially regarding pets). Brown is the colour of modern priestesses and shamans, women involved in witchcraft. A candle in brown will work particularly well with those in the sign of Capricorn.
Black candles - are most commonly used in black magic. They can also be used to ward off the spirits of the dead and to separate from negative energy sent towards a person. The colour black does not function as a separate colour in the aura, but is instead associated with deities and the world of the Underworld.
Red candle - is intended for rituals related to physical love, passion, sexuality, fertility, spells to act as an aphrodisiac. It favours strong-willed and dominant people (it is often their favourite colour). Typically, red is associated with high energy levels, vitality. However, if it visibly dominates a particular person's aura, it most likely indicates major health problems. Red candles especially enhance rituals for Aries and Scorpio The colour red can alleviate such ailments as anaemia, exhaustion, frostbite, liver infections, neuralgia. It is beneficial in cases of leukaemia and cancer.
Orange candle - great for stimulating and energising. Therefore, it is recommended in states of exhaustion, weakness, burnout, depression. The presence of the colour orange in the aura may suggest a tendency towards chaotic behaviour, disorder and an unstable personality. It is beneficial when we carry out
Blue candle - has a soothing and calming effect. It can also have a protective effect when we are asleep, defending us from all sorts of external energy intrusions. The blue colour is conducive to entering a meditative state, aids in the treatment of fevers, sore throats, headaches, ulcers, relieves menstrual pain, lowers blood pressure, accelerates the healing of sunburns, skin irritations and minor cuts.
Purple candle - can be particularly helpful for spells relating to psychic manifestation, strength, invoking good luck, strengthening a sense of independence and protecting the home hearth. A lighter shade of purple, falling more into the purple tones, has an inspiring effect and enhances creativity. On the health front, this colour may be beneficial for the treatment of the following conditions: asthma, colds, mental disorders, sinus problems, sleep disorders, psychosomatic complaints caused by stress, cancerous diseases. If a shade reminiscent of violet or lavender appears in a particular person's aura, it is likely that the owner/owner of the aura has the gift of healing others.
Pink candle - should be intended and used for rituals and spells of a love nature.
Silver candle - has a harmonising effect, restores balance, seeks the favour of the spiritual being we are addressing when performing a given ritual. A candle of this colour is especially recommended for people under the sign of the Twins and for the zodiacal sign of Cancer.
Grey candle - is most often used during rituals which aim to neutralise negative influences and such energy. The grey colour of the aura is a bad omen, as it is often a harbinger of death (as a result of incurable illness, accident, murder or bargaining with one's own life).
Green candle - is intended for rituals that aim to increase the enchanting person's chances of success in the financial, social, personal, love spheres (the fertility aspect also comes into play). The colour green can also be useful in spells to protect against greed and feelings of jealousy. A candle in this colour is particularly recommended for the zodiac Bulls. In the health sphere, the colour green is beneficial for colds, headaches, high blood pressure, kidney disorders and stomach ulcers. To see the colour green in someone's aura augurs well, it means that this person enjoys good health.
Gold candle - is primarily used for rituals dedicated to solar ceremonies and deities, i.e. related to sun worship. As for other purposes, the golden colour works well with spells invoking good luck, prosperity, abundance, cosmic intervention. The golden colour of the aura may indicate an outstanding maturity of the soul, which with its present existence is completing the cycle of incarnations assigned to it.
Yellow candle - will be needed to perform energising rituals, adding vitality. It is especially recommended for people in the sign of Leo and Twins.
Is Egyptian love rituals powerful?
Step into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was intertwined with daily life, and the pursuit of love was considered a sacred ...

Step into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was intertwined with daily life, and the pursuit of love was considered a sacred ...
Love, the ethereal force that binds us together, has been a subject of fascination and reverence throughout human history. Within the realm ...
In the enchanting world of magic and mysticism, love holds a timeless allure. Love magic, an ancient practice that taps into the energies of...