Is it worth keeping your own sleeper?
Each of us has a variety of dreams that seem to be completely incongruous to us. Repeated dreams about teeth falling out or fires can elude us. Therefore, instead of checking the meanings of dreams in online dream books and once again being disappointed because we don't find anything that even slightly resembles our case, it's better to start your own dream journal.
Online dreamers
A sleeper that we can buy in a kiosk or read on the Internet is something completely different from a dream journal. First of all, because it does not collect dreams as a whole, but only their most important and frequent elements. Often we can read in them what the symbols that appear mean and what our subconscious is trying to show us through them. Unfortunately, they do not give us the opportunity for a broader analysis and the inclusion of context in the interpretation. This is because often our dreams will mean something different depending on what worries or pleases us most now.
Own dream diary - what does it consist of?
Although it's a dream diary, we don't need to complete it every day, and we won't even manage to do it that often. And this is because our own dream journal will be a treasure trove of our dreams. Every time you wake up in the night and continue to remember your dream, take your dream journal and something to write with and put as many details on its pages as you can remember. This way you will not only leave the dream with you for a longer period of time, but also make it easier for yourself to analyze the dream later, should the urge strike you. By writing out all the details, you will have a broader picture on the overall meaning of the dream and the meaning of individual symbols.
Our own dreambook - what can we do with it?
Our dreambook does not have to be a separate notebook, we can, for example, devote to it a few pages of our calendar, or an ordinary diary used every day. It can serve us as an inspiration if we are creative people, because our dreams can be more abstract than many a painting or piece of music already created. It is also a good idea to go back to it years later and try to understand what our subconscious might have had in mind at the time. Such an exercise will help us in the future to better interpret our dreams and better listen to our inner self. Of course, the diary can also be used for us to pour our own dream interpretations onto paper.
Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Is it worth keeping your own sleeper?
Haunted places in Poland
Haunted places in Poland
The Black Lady at the castle in Sucha Beskidzka is most likely the ghost of the cruel mistress of the castle, Anna Konstancja Wielkopolska, by her second husband Malachowska, who lived at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. Her subjects called her the Harsh Lady, as she showed no mercy to her subjects and local thieves, and there was no question of benevolent or lenient treatment of her subordinates. After her death, her soul was not at peace, she roams the former domains in dark clothes and in a widow's veil covering her face. The arrival of the Black Lady is said to be preceded by a gust of icy wind and the sound of drawers sliding out and retracting.
It seems that it is greed that is being stigmatized by another visitor from the afterlife: The Red Phantom. He deigns to disturb guests of the Lower Silesian castle Grodziec, appearing in the inner courtyard. The ghost takes the shape of a knight-errant, clad in armor and a red (or orange) cloak. According to some legends, the essence of the Red Phantom is linked to a certain castellan named John. He was a greedy and unprincipled man, acting according to his own vision. This was until he saw the Red Phantom during one of his feasts. The sight shook him to such an extent that he changed beyond recognition - he softened his conduct towards his subjects, devoted himself to prayer and repentance. Some time passed. After less than five years, the castle fell to John's grandson and namesake, like him once cruel and greedy. It happened that he was given to try subjects for unpaid tribute. One of the accused serfs was so poor that he had nothing to pledge as tribute. So the lord of the castle sentenced him to death by starvation. After the sentence was pronounced, suddenly coins flew out of the mouth of the stone puke. This orchestration of fate, or heaven if you prefer, shocked the greedy ruler as much as the appearance of the Red Phantom once did at the feast of his not too distant ancestor. He pardoned the guilt of the condemned; moreover, he gave permission for his daughter to marry someone socially inferior (in our time, this was a misalliance). What's more, he donated a large part of his wealth to the newlyweds. The sculptures of heads: a young woman, a knight in a helmet and an elderly man with his mouth open allude to this legend.
Another story can be told by the cemetery next to the Orthodox church in Khrushin. Nearby is a chateau that once housed the owners of the surrounding land. They had a son, the child unfortunate coincidence drowned while playing in the swamps near the Orthodox church. When their time came, the heirs also left the earthly paddock. Nowadays the castle has been adapted for use as a nursing home. It was thought that unexplained events could affect the well-being of residents. In the 1990s, the excavation and reburial of the remains of the former owners of the nearby land was undertaken. According to local residents, since then a small boy, dressed in the old fashion, can be found looking sadly around and in the cemetery. Since the relocation of his parents, the peace of mind of the unfortunate child's soul has been shattered. He tries to find them. Some say that he asked them directly where his parents were, only to disappear after a while....
Certainly, there are still many places in the country that diligently guard their dark secrets. This could be an interesting way to spend your free time for adventurous people and nerves of steel.
Is Egyptian love rituals powerful?
Step into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was intertwined with daily life, and the pursuit of love was considered a sacred ...

Step into the mystical world of ancient Egypt, where magic was intertwined with daily life, and the pursuit of love was considered a sacred ...
Love, the ethereal force that binds us together, has been a subject of fascination and reverence throughout human history. Within the realm ...
In the enchanting world of magic and mysticism, love holds a timeless allure. Love magic, an ancient practice that taps into the energies of...